
In an era where skateboarding is constantly debating whether it has reached an apex or is slipping away from it's core values, THERE Skateboards stands as a testament to why we all fell in love with skateboarding in the first place.

The magic of THERE lies in the riders themselves and their all-hands-on-deck process. They go on trips where everyone becomes the filmer, the riders create the music for the video, someone edits it, and Jeffrey Cheung wraps it all together with his signature, iconic art. THERE has built a brand that's as much about the people involved as it is about the skateboarding itself.

One might say it's the very same blueprint that built some of skateboarding's most cherished brands: bringing everyone in on the process and, in turn, inviting the viewer to feel like they had a seat in the van on the trip. It's a simple yet powerful approach that brings us right back to the heart of skateboarding.

Words and Interview by Ashley Rehfeld

First off, congrats on the collab! For those who might not be aware of your brand, can you give us a snapshot of what THERE Skateboards is all about?

THERE Skateboards is just a skateboard company, with skaters who I think are sick and want to see supported in the skate world.

You’re based out of Oakland, California, but how far and wide does the brand and team reach?

Yes, we are mostly based out of the SF Bay Area but we have team riders down in LA, Florida, and NYC. A few flow riders in Europe as well. The brand reaches as big as the internet goes and DLX distribution reaches!

Walk us through your favorite details of the shoe and why you included them.

I really like how the grey anthracite fuzzy suede came out with the white embroidery. That was actually sort of a happy accident when we were making samples and we all thought it looked pretty sick! Chandler Burton helped put a lot of input also on the shoe and he loves green. We liked how the dark green played with the black and anthracite suede.

The THERE crew hit San Francisco and Montreal for the edit. How was that experience?

Yeah, we had about two weeks to film the new THERE Skateboards Nike edit and everyone killed it. It was fun having folks come to the Bay and hit some local spots and also go to Montreal, which most of us had never been before. Spots everywhere and super nice people there. We connected with Manu and the Bedazzled crew the first night, and they were having a video premiere of one of their new videos and it was a very warm welcome. Would definitely go back!

Who were the standout skaters or moments during the filming?

Everyone crushed it, but especially Poe, Chandler and Samiya! They're all hella good. Poe probably got like 3 clips at each spot and she can skate pretty much anything and has a deep bag of tricks. One stand out memory though, I think it was the first day we got there, we went to go skate a spot downtown. Marie who was with us on the trip propped up a tile before a big set of stairs and was trying wallies down it. Chandler was doing a wallie nollie back 180 and during one try he landed and smacked the back of his head real hard. We all were scared and thought for sure it was time to go to the ER, but after a few minutes, Chandler snapped out of it when someone was trying to call the cops; he got up, ran up the stairs, and did it the next try. It was sick.

The Dunk Low by THERE release in select Skateshops August 2 and SNKRS August 6.